SellCRM for medical clinic

To get started, you will need to choose a plan for your needs. You can opt in for the monthly of annual options and go with one of the three listed below.

Can SellCRM be used for a medical clinic?

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Manager, a type of software used by businesses to administer services to their customers. In the healthcare industry, patients are the customers, and providers are the business.

What is the use of SellCRM in the healthcare industry?

Get a centralized repository for consumer and patient data that integrates with that is platform agnostic and integrates with many types of healthcare technology, such as contact center software and healthcare websites.

SellCRM Features

With SellCRM you get templates and ideas to manage your sales and even your business, SellCRM will helps you customize your offers and relationships.


Import & export data

Support 24/7

Set Goals

Selling campaigns

Send personalized offers

View reports

Chat & ticket system

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