SellCRM for Leads, Targets, Campaign and Services

To get started, you will need to choose a plan for your needs. You can opt in for the monthly of annual options and go with one of the three listed below.

Can SellCRM be used for Leads, Targets, Campaign and Services?

CRM software can be an indispensable tool for improving marketing campaigns. Customer relationship management (CRM) is essential to sales, marketing, and customer support. CRM software can help to automate data collection and analysis so your teams know exactly how to personalize service to each customer.

SellCRM got it all for your needs!

Lead list

Leads section let users create and manage leads, corelate them with clients, services and agents.

Create Lead

Leads creation section let users select multiple helpful sections such as, Company selection, account manager, campaign, number of employees, statuses but also allready created services based on client requirements.

Activity list

Activities section let users create and manage activities, you can choose a client, a lead, an account manager and programming a date for activity.

Create Activity

Activity creation section let users select multiple helpful sections such as, Company, Lead, Account manager, Contact name and the date for the specified activity but also you can add statuses based on the activity result.

Target list

Targets creation section let users create targets based on the company desires. Here you can add account manager, target start date, moths, services, number of services, number of clients and comments.

Create Target

Targets section let users create and manage targets based on the company desires.

Campaign list

Campaign section let users create and manage campaigns meant to be a must follow plan for their businesses.

Create Campaign

Campaign creation section let users create campaigns meant to be a strong impulse for your company return value. Here you can add the start and the end date of your campaign and also a helpful description.

Service list

Services section. You can create services or prouducts to use them later in leads and offers.

Create Service

Services creation section let users create services meant to be offered to the followed client, you can add services with the specified attributes such as title, code, stoc, price and also taxes.


SellCRM Features

With SellCRM you get templates and ideas to manage your sales and even your business, SellCRM will helps you customize your offers and relationships.


Import & export data

Support 24/7

Set Goals

Selling campaigns

Send personalized offers

View reports

Chat & ticket system

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